lacan's first major publication was his piece "the mirror stage as a formative of the I" (1936-1946) the key part of lacunas mirror stage theory involves the behaviour of the infants between the ages of of 6 and 18 months Lacan stated that "at. this age, children become capable of recognising their mirror image" however the infants are not displeased with their reflection but look up to said reflection as someone they want to be he then continues to say "the child is having its first anticipation of itself as a unified and separate individual" Lacan believes that before the mirror stage the child sees itself as a body and is very dependent on the mother and farther.
the other major theory of Lacan closely followed by the mirror theory and often linked together is the theory of lack and desire the theory revolves around desiring something but not having it you feel lack there's always a feel of lack around any desire for if you desire something that means you don't have it so you feel this lack for the thing you want isn't in your life however it goes even further for if you dedicate time to try and achieve the thing you want as soon s you achieve it the inevitable question of what now? to further illustrate my point il give an example of your a bride planning your wedding for months its took up your entire life your soul focus is this wedding getting every single thing perfect but when the day comes and goes your left wondering of what do I do now your purpose for the past couple years or months is gone and the feeling of loss of purpose. Lacan doesn't believe that we can have what we desire
this diagram helps visualise lacans point of lack showing the three components that reinforces the
feeling of lack titled "the boring knot"
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